Tollesbury Amateur Players
Welcome to the home of Tollesbury Amateur Players (TAP).
In November 2003 an appeal went out from the Congregational Church to the whole village asking for ideas on how to extend the use of the building as a community centre. Alex Neal, with over 30 years’ experience of Amateur Dramatics, responded with the idea of forming a drama group. She met with Phil Grove and John Dorsett in November 2003, with a rough plan for an inaugural meeting on January 7th 2004, and to gauge the response to a flyer delivered to every house in the village. It was agreed that the group would be called Tollesbury Amateur Players - or TAP (a play on words, tapping a source!) and would support the centre both financially and as a group.
On February 26th, we performed our first show to a capacity audience with standing room only at the back (actually in the foyer!) – We had to turn away at least 30 who turned up without a ticket. It was a huge success and indicated that the village was ready for TAP.
As a group we have grown into a very closely bonded group of skilled actors, yet remaining very ‘unluvvie’, welcoming to new members, supportive of each other. The group fluctuates in numbers, approximately 28 adults and 20 Young TAP members, depending on what the production is – eg. Our maximum numbers are usually for the pantomime.
We have all the relevant constitution, policies, insurances, and a strong committee who meet regularly to review finances, shopping lists, future productions, solve problems. The AGM takes place around end November where various reports are given to the group – to include past year (usually Chairman, Ian Clark), the year ahead (usually Alex), Secretary’s (James) and Treasurer (Jo Pavey), committee is elected.
Not bad considering we started with nothing!
Young TAP has a waiting list for new members but the adult section is always looking for new people, both on-stage and behind the scenes.
Email: or call 07547 566 811.

Alex Neal
Alex is the founder and mentor for the whole group. As principle director Alex provides the expertise and guidance for the group, and also is a highly talented performer and scriptwriter. Are there no bounds to her talents!

Allison Taylor
The other half of the ‘Allies’ team, Allison also keeps everyone giggling during performances and beyond!

Jo Pavey
Jo is not only a great actress, she has directed some short plays AND she has managed and provided catering at most of the Cabaret evenings and other events.

Nicki Hatton
Nicki is the young TAP leader and also a great performer contributing to many of the comedy and musical sketches.

Bob Cross
Bob has a repertoire of facial expressions and gestures that can’t help but make the audience laugh! A great presence on stage and a talented script writer too! Bob is also a talented musician and often plays guitar in our performances.

Steve Smith
Does a bit now and then, not on stage though

Anna Wheeler
Anna is one of our new recruits and has leapt head first into this years panto

Nik Bradbrook
Despite wanting to do the techy bit Nik keeps getting roped into productions

Jonathan Salmon
Jon is not only the ‘Dorian Gray’ of the group he is also a great singer and comedy actor well renowned for his dodgy French accent and his uncanny ability to play men with… an alternative lifestyle! Jon is not that way inclined at all but he’s certainly in touch with his feminine side! Jon is also good at set painting.
John Dorsett
John is a great actor (sometimes with a hint of John Cleese) having played Inspector Pratt with people falling about with laughter, and a musician with a variety of great musical pieces from George Formby to Harry Belafonte and beyond

Ian Clark
Not only is Ian chairman of the group he is also an actor and techie-whiz who often provides some of the more technical props and special effects

Jackie Quilter
Jackie is membership coordinator for TAP as well as being a very funny and talented performer. She also very successfully directed the Pompeii Panto

Joanne Smith
Responsible for marketing and ticket sales, Joanne is also a good actor and has directed a number of sketches as well as producing the first two TAP Cabaret productions

James Oakley
James is a multi-talented actor and with his photographic memory it’s guaranteed that he’ll always be the first to learn his lines and always be word-perfect on stage.

Ella Frost
Ella a relativly new
member to TAP has bought humor and an air of sofitication to productions.

Martin Lawrence
Martin exploded ontostage in the 2014 Panto as the legendary Parrot and has continued to succesfully contribute to productions.

Jay Wilkinson
Jay a poet and playwrite in his own right has lent his talent and skill to the TAP team